19/05/2008 - A propos Sugar Vol.15 n°2 - CEFS
Au sommaire de ce numéro :- Does sugar dilute the nutrient quality of the diet?- Exploring the relationship between sugars and body weight: a review of...
09/01/2008 - A propos Sugar Vol.15 n°1 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Does sugar consumption influence the risk of cancer?- Reformulated foods and beverages – Challenges and barriers- Nutrient Profiles
25/10/2007 - A propos Sugar Vol. 14 n°3 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Pleasure, a guide to a good diet?- Are liquids less satiating than solids?- Postprandial hypoglycaemia: myth or reality?
07/08/2007 - A propos Sugar Vol. 14 n°2 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Can foods be addictive?- Misconceptions about the Glycaemic Index- Sugar and Diabetes
10/05/2007 - Sucre ajouté et apport en micronutriment : quelle association ? - British Journal of Nutrition
Le Docteur Kristen Rennie de l'université de Ulster (Ireland du Nord) a analysé 15 publications évaluant les asssociations existant entre sucre ajouté et...
14/12/2006 - CD Rom : Les glucides en nutrition humaine - CEDUS
Consacré aux glucides en nutrition humaine, ce CD ROM édité en 2004
16/11/2006 - Perspective : the magazine on sugar and nutrition
Sommaire : Sugar consumption Supply statistics and food surveys may indicate growth in sugar consumption, but none of the methods can establish actual sugar...
15/11/2006 - A propos Sugar Vol. 13 n°3 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Physical Activity – Cinderella or Princess- Are the calories of liquids less satiating than those of solids?- “Promoting healthy...
23/06/2006 - A propos Sugar Vol. 13 n°2 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Sweet taste preferences- Risks of Obesity Re-assessed- Sugar Replacement ? What are the Technological Issues
31/01/2006 - A Propos Sugar vol. 13 - CEFS
Au programme de ce numéro :- Metabolic syndrome- What happens to dietary carbohydrates ?- Modification of food and drink products